Just For Fun- A Smorgasbord of Yours Truly

Happy Monday everybody!  It’s a new day, a new week and a new chance to do all kinds of awesome things!  I am very tired from an extremely busy weekend, so I am sorry that my responses to these award nominations are so late.  I managed to finish the Warrior Dash on Saturday, but my arms are essentially jelly, so my answers will be short and sweet (at least for me).  I have also condensed all of the award questions into one blog so there was a lot of cutting and pasting going on.  Please forgive any mistakes.  As I have stated before, I absolutely love talking about myself, so this has been really fun.  Thank you to all of the great people who nominated me for these awards. I really, really appreciate it!  I hope that everyone goes out and take a look at their websites!

Technically I have more than 200 followers, but that is not going to keep me from participating in the Liebster award! I’m a rebel and I’ll never ever be any good.  I also want to say “Congratulations and wow, are you dedicated” to those of you that make it to the bottom of this post.  Please feel free to skim, stop in the middle or just pretend that you have read any of this stuff.  It won’t hurt my feelings.  I’ll just pretend you read them anyway.  Just getting these nominations have stroked my ego to the point that no one will want to be around me today.  Ahhhh, so here we go!

Wait! P.S. I am not nominating anyone else at this point as I have no questions prepared and I want to take my time deciding who to nominate.  Hope that’s not breaking the rules too much…


Nominated for Liebster Award: by loveatthespeedoflife.com (Thank you so much for the nomination!  I think I did rule number 1 a little too literally.  I like your writing style, it’s right up my alley.  I am a follower of yours.)

Here’s how it works:

  1. Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
  3. Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
  4. Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
  5. Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
  6. Lastly, COPY these rules in your post.
    1. Why do you choose to write? Good question. It’s not a desire that is innate in me, I have to really work at it.  I just want to have something that is real out in the world and not just an idea stuck in my brain where no one can ever see it.
    2. Do you look at your writing as a vent or an inspired work? Most everything I write is a little bit of both.  If someone can read my writing and relate to it so that it helps them feel better about any situation they may be in then I feel pretty good.  Maybe let them know they’re not alone will help.
    3. what is your favorite color?  My favorite color is yellow.  I feel that my personality runs more red right now, but I aim for yellow.  I guess I am a solid orange.  Yellow is the ultimate feel good color and that’s why my blog will always run yellow.
    4. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go, and who would you want to take with you(if anyone)? Disney World.  I would take my son (my husband refuses to spend any more money there)!
    5. Who is one non-family member who has changed your life and inspired you? Wow, that’s a really hard one, but I would have to pick one of my high school teachers, Ms. Pergola.  She always believed in me and she really enjoyed teaching and I actually learned from her. She also traveled a lot and showed me that it was something I might want to do someday.
    6. Complete the sentence: “Love is….” a fickle bitch.  All emotions are tied into love and I can never, ever get a handle on it.  It drives everything in my life and I wish I didn’t give it so much power but it takes me high and it makes me feel oh, so low.  
    7. Your dream date would be with…? Darren Criss.  We could just stay in…
    8. What do you do just before sleeping at night? I put on a television show that I know every word to and probably grab the absolute worst snack you could probably eat before going to bed–which is pretty much anything.
    9. What is a meal that you have been craving lately? Enchiladas with a side of double cheeseburger and 1/2 gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  (Did I mention I just started a new diet?)
    10. What is your placement in your siblings? I am fifth in a line of seven.

    Nominated by infobloomer (Thank you, thank you, thank you!  You really help me focus on becoming a better person.)

    1. What do you personally think about the Liebster Award? I love anything that promotes new bloggers and gives them more reason to write and talk about themselves.  I like it so much I squealed when I got my first nomination.
    2. What would you consider to be your dream award? If there were an award where I could get a role in a Star Wars movie, that would be ultimate.  Is there such an award? Can anyone hook me up?
    3. What do you do for a living if you had all the money in the world? I have a friend who always aspired to be a rich bitch and that doesn’t sound like a bad gig!  No, I would probably do volunteer work trying to stop human trafficking and making sure no children go hungry.
    4. If you could have any career in the world, what would you choose ? I would be happy as camp counselor or television host of a show like Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (but modern and updated).
    5. You have a choice of only three things you can keep for the rest of your life, what are they? Well, my kid, for sure, my personality, and my Atlanta Olympics jacket.  Wow, that was a very random answer.
    6. What inspires you? Not wanting to look stupid.  I will do anything to not look stupid.  Silly and wacky I can take, but not stupid. (Oh, and Glee.)
    7. Which celebrity / Icon would you like to spend a day with and why? Anyone from Glee, but especially Darren Criss.  Because Glee makes me feel like I can do anything in the world and that I am worth everything. Plus, Darren Criss is hot.  Have I said that already?
    8. What is something you’ve always wanted to try? I want to skydive but I’m afraid I’ll break the parachute.  True story.
    9. What is your most favorite post that you have written? My first post about trying on a bikini.  I didn’t know what was going to come out of me when I was writing that and I really liked what I ended up with.  I was surprised that I revealed so much of my smart-assy side (yes, that is now a word).
    10. What is your favorite dish? Enchiladas with a side of double cheeseburger and a 1/2 gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
    11. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Getting a tan on a beautiful beach doing my post instead of surrounded by dirty dishes and grocery coupons here in my kitchen!

    Nominated by afthead (My newest friend from Colorado.  Always nice to chat with you!)

    1. Why do you blog? I wasn’t ready to write a book yet, so this gives me lots of practice to write and meet people.  I have learned so many things watching other bloggers.
    2. When is your favorite time of the day to write? I started off writing late at night and that seemed to work well, but now I like early in the day before work when my mind is fresh with new ideas.
    3. Where is your favorite place to write? I would prefer to write in the backyard on my patio but the sun glare is killer.  Amongst the grocery coupons it is, then.
    4. What device do you prefer to write on or with? I used to write long-hand on pads of paper but now I need to use Word on my laptop. I just like a nice clean screen.
    5. What is your favorite blog post you have ever written? Definitely the one about trying on a bikini.  I still can’t believe I did that.  I thought I would revisit the post someday after I tried the bikini on again, but I’ve gained about ten pounds since I wrote that piece (from doing nothing but writing now) so it’s not going to happen for a long time.
    6. What is your writing dream? My initial goal is to write a book and get it into the hands of 500 people.  I don’t even care if they like it.  I just want them to want to read it. That is a big goal for me.
    7. What keeps you from realizing that dream? I pretty much second guess everything I write and talk myself out of going for it.
    8. If you could have an hour with any author, who would you spend it with? John Green.  He is the ultimate cool nerd.  My kind of guy.

    Nominated by @aventuringgirl


    I’ve been nominated for this wonderful award by afternoonofsundries.com ! Thank you so much for the honor of this award! Please check out her blog!

    Now the rules are simple, I must nominate 10 people, thank my wonderful nominator, and create questions of my own!

    1. If you could channel your soul into a spirit animal, what would it be and why? I had no idea, so I took a spirit animal quiz online and apparently I’m a deer. (It probably means I’ll get hit by a car.) Oh well, I’ll take it.  Apparently I’m gentle and kind.  Cool.
    2. Who do you secretly stalk online? Mindy Kaling and Darren Criss–but I don’t think that those are secrets.  I have no secrets, as some of you are now finding out.
    3. What is your power outfit? The getup you wear to make yourself feel confident! Anything that doesn’t have panty lines and doesn’t make me look like I’m one wrong move from having a major wardrobe malfunction.
    4. If you could make one wish consequence free, what would it be and why? I would wish to be able to speak and understand all of the languages in the world.  I’m sure my head would explode but, man, what a gift.
    5. What musical instruments are you proficient in, or wish you were proficient in? What is an instrument? Hmmm.   I guess I’m good at maracas.  I really wish I could just read music.
    6. What is your guilty pleasure TV show or movie? I feel guilty about nothing!  I love re-watching the original series V at least once a year and I still break out and sing along to Grease 2.
    7. What is your favorite food? Enchiladas with a side of double cheeseburger and a 1/2 gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
    8. What book is your favorite read and why? Superfudge is and always be my favorite book.  Judy Blume was the first person I discovered that wrote just for me.  That’s how it seemed anyway.  I just understood Peter and I love all the shenanigans.
    9. What do you do for a living? I am a Children’s Librarian for the Anythink Library District in Colorado.  I love it.
    10. What languages do you speak? English.  Nerd.  Geek.  Mom. Smart Ass.  That’s about it.

    Wow, that was fun everyone!  Thanks for sticking with me.  Now a nap, work, and then finding out who to nominate next…


  1. Loved getting to know you. I’m going to get to my award that you nominated me for. That blog party really wiped me out!


    1. Thank you. You must have a lot of time on your hands today!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I heart this post so hard. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t believe you made it through! Or did you skim? Ha!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m a super fast reader. Who canNOT write a short posting EVAH

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi hear ya, sistah!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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