Mini Musings- How Do I Avoid Self Sabotage?

Hello my friends,

I have been neglecting my posts (and all of your posts) more and more lately and I have no real good reason for why that is happening.  I still find that I have many things that I want to write about, but I find that I would rather do something (anything) else than sit down and type them out!  (Let’s just say that I am going to have the most awesome Halloween costume this year.)

I can’t imagine that I am the only person that feels this way once in a while and so I am asking you all for your sage advice (again).  How do you get back into writing when you have ventured away for a while?  Do you treat it like a job and you sit down and write no matter what, or is it a more organic process that finds you writing only when you’re darn good and ready?

I have re-posted things that I have written and I have even spent an exorbitant amount of time changing one color on my blog in an effort to keep from writing and now I am stuck again.  I am looking for a good goosing from all of you bloggers out there, so thank you for any advice!

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  1. I feel your pain and wish I had an answer for you! I’m in the same boat. For me, I have to be inspired. If I’m not inspired, my writing comes out either boring, angry or boring AND angry. My cousin is a playwright and says you just have to switch gears. Still trying to figure out how to do that! Anyway, you’re not alone!

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  2. I canNOT believe I am going to say this, but….it’s sort of like, uh, physical relations after a certain age, or when you have little kids….it’s the LAST thing on your mind, and you are just NOT feeling it…but once you get started, you nearly always enjoy it.

    (puts bag over head)

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    1. I love this! No bags allowed!

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  3. Charlotte Latvala

    Really, the only thing you can do is…write. Write one sentence. Then another. Then maybe a terrible first draft of something (anything.) In my experience, it usually takes 30 or 40 minutes for the brain to start firing and the thoughts to start flowing. And I’m convinced that the mere habit of writing makes it start to happen more frequently…it’s like training a muscle to do an exercise. (None of this is new advice, but I hope it helps! Good luck!)

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    1. Thank you. I have heard that I should just write something down, but it hasn’t stuck yet. I’m hoping that reading what you all have to say will help out with that!

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      1. Charlotte Latvala

        It will, really! I’ve been at this for a long time and there are many days when I absolutely don’t feel like writing — but if you sit there long enough and (yes) force yourself to do it, the words come. (Then sometimes they don’t stop, which is another issue -:) Good luck!!


  4. It’s not you alone. I hope there might be many having this same problem. That’s why I joined three blogging events, so that I keep on making my presence here.

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    1. I am doing the Literary Lion activity with you, but I ever since it changed to every other week I have kind of slacked off. I will see what else is out there that I can tackle! Thank you.


    2. I’m pretty new to the blogging thing. How did you find out about the blogging events? Sounds interesting!


      1. I found out through the Blogging 101 course. I will see if I can find the link for you.


  5. I think everyone hits a wall with writing sooner or later. The thing is the longer you stay away from writing the easier it becomes to avoid. Most writing teachers advise using a prompt and just write the first thing that comes out. I hope this helps.

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    1. Thank you. I guess I thought my wall would come later, since I have been having so much fun writing. I just couldn’t tell if it was just me being lazy (which is basically my true essence) and giving up, or if it was a legitimate problem that other writers have. One thing I like to do is pick two completely random things and then make a story about them. Hmmm, I’m going to try to see if that works for me again.


  6. If you look at the timeline of my blog, you’ll find there are some serious holes. This happens and you just have to find your way back. That’s why I started Blogging 101, 201 and writing 101, to remind myself and get back the rhythm of writing. I really feel so much better and sleep so much better when I’m writing regularly.

    I don’t really care for many of the prompts, but I have started forming more of my drafts on the days I do feel like writing so when I’m not so inclined I’ve got something in the queue. and one of the suggestions I got from blogging101 was give yourself 20 minutes to read or write. I can find 20 minutes, even if it’s when I’m hiding in the potty 😉

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    1. I love the idea of having drafts of things I could fix up and put out at a later date. I actually did that last month and it really, really felt good to just pick something that was in the queue and putting it out there. I need to get ahead of the game! Thank you.

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  7. Oh boy, I actually had someone msg me was I ok when I wasn’t online for about 4 days! There is sometimes a need to go out or be doing something different I think. And then we can write. At least it worked for me this week. I was going to wait another day, then was so happy that I pressed on today. I have to want to , that’s just how it works for me. As for advice? There are a few I follow that all it takes is see what they are up to, after my break, boom here I go rambling on again 😀

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    1. Wowza. I have never heard of something like that before! I think it’s cool that someone was worried about you so much! I do need to spend more time seeing what everyone else is writing about. So many things to choose from to the get the brain and the desire to write firing again! Thank you.

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  8. I know the feeling all too well! There are always millions of excuses it seems. I find I usually just have to make myself do it. If I wait long enough the urge will come and I’ll have to write something because I must, but that could take awhile. If I give myself time and talk myself into doing it because I have to, a lot of times I’ll really enjoy it and end up wanting to write even more! It’s a weird thing, I’m not sure why it happens but if you find any good advice, let me know! 🙂

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    1. I have little twinges instead of the urges I had when I started. I really work well under my own brand of pressure, so maybe I do just need to MAKE myself write. Thank you!

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      1. Of course! Nothing too exciting, but a lot of times that’s what I end up having to do; just forcing myself to do it! Good luck. 🙂


  9. I understand your thinking. I dongirl’t think of it as a job, however, it fills a void. I retired a little over 2 years ago and I miss the everyday routine of working. My blogging has helped fill that void. I think of blogging as fun, being creative and expressing myself. There are times when I draw a blank and don’t know what I want to write. Eventually, something comes to mind. When I get going and finish my blog, I love it. I am not out to gain notoriety or write a book. I just want to have fun. You know the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”!? Keep it up girl. you are a damn good writer.

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    1. Girls Just Want To Have Fun! I love it. Of course. I have to remember that I am having fun here. Thank you!!!

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  10. I usually don’t have to force myself to write, but I realize that sometimes the stuff I’m putting down isn’t fit for public consumption! (Read- needs serious editing!). How about trying a short story challenge? There’s only a gazillion of them floating around on WP! At least it’s something, even if it’s just a little flash fiction!


    1. Thank you for your suggestion. I am participating in a writing challenge called Literary Lion but it has recently turned into a project that is bi-weekly instead of weekly and I think I am letting myself slide!

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  11. Oh, I know that feeling. When I want to write but am not writing, I tell myself that it is “an organic process” and I’ll write when I’m “darn good and ready.” But realistically, to make it happen, I have to treat it like a job. My rule is that I have to do actual creative work every single day, whether it’s writing (journaling counts, in my world), drawing, painting, mixing music, whatever. So this strict rule (“a doodle a day keeps the crazy away”) means that I actually get to it probably five or so days a week.

    Of course, not everything written or drawn is worth sharing, but the DOING is not only good practice and good self-care, but often leads to the big ideas that actually turn into the good stuff later on.

    When I’m not writing, I think of it as work, and I’m seldom in the mood to work. But when I am writing, it is the most fun ever and I can’t remember why I struggled to get started.

    Here’s your goose. 🙂 Good luck!

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    1. Thank you. I am realizing from all these comments that I need to have fun with my work. I’m making things entirely too complicated. Thank you for the reminder!

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  12. smolivertwist

    I can relate to this. I’ve been struggling to type out blog posts, even though I have a lot of ideas for them. It’s a bit laborious to actually sit down and type out blog posts sometimes. Keep it up – I enjoy reading your posts 🙂


    1. Thank you. I am just going to buckle down and write something!


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