Mini Musings: You Can’t Stop the Beat

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. Someone (we won’t name who) is trying to get her shit together so that she can get back into the writing game. It’s been almost a year and a half since she has had any interest in putting her musings to blog. Life marched on and she somehow managed to take not only the road less taken, but the road that most people never even see. She fell into a life of leisure, sloth, and lethargy and finally (finally) decided to get a little bit of work done—here, there, and everywhere. …

Mini Musings: I Did Some Things This Week! (But…)

I finally wrote a blog post. (But I wasn’t terribly clever about it.) I washed the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. (But I waited as long as I could to see if the hubby would do it first.) I fed the dog. (But he decided to fast that day.) I walked the dog. (But he was mad at me because it wasn’t longer.) I rubbed the dog’s tummy. (But I think I enjoyed it more than he did.) I walked. Inside. (But I never took my hands off the treadmill’s handlebar.) I walked. Outside. (But I only…

Best Case or Basket Case?

I’m pretty sure that I was supposed to be fantastically, amazingly happy and content the first minute of my retirement, but I’ve always been someone to completely disintegrate a perfectly happy moment for no apparent reason. I guess I thought a weight would be lifted and I’m just a little bit sad that I haven’t had that feeling just yet. I feel adrift and a bit put out to pasture—even though it was my own decision. It’s not that I’m not happy having left my life as a librarian, it’s because I don’t have a set path of “new” life…

Mini Musings- Dad’s Not Here and it Sucks

I lost my dad. He died on New Year’s Eve. I miss him every day. It happened so very fast. I can still hear his voice. I miss him always trying to feed me. I wish we could just sit and talk about anything–even if it means he ends up being right. I keep expecting him to get out of his chair and give me a kiss every time I go to the house. I wish I could have known him when he was younger. I wish I appreciated him more when I was growing up. I wish he would…

Mini Musings- I’m Only Doing This Because I Have To

I haven’t been able to write much lately. Not because I don’t like writing (I don’t think) but because I’ve turned into this lazy monster that would rather spend my days lounging like Jabba the Hutt than doing anything remotely like moving forward. Wait, scratch that. I don’t think I would rather spend my days as a modern day Jabba, it’s just the way things have been turning out. Every time I manage to get something down on paper and then go through the extra steps of posting it onto my blog I feel like I have conquered Everest. I…

It’s Not You. It’s Me.

I didn’t walk with you today. I probably won’t walk with you tomorrow either. It was lovely while it lasted, but there isn’t a need in my soul anymore. But, I want you to know that it isn’t you—it’s me. I convinced myself that it would be cold and windy and probably snowy, so I stayed away. I told myself that it would just be making myself miserable. I found a reason to stay home. But then the sun came out and made everything so gorgeous and inviting and I thought about how much I miss you. I could feel…

Mini Musings—Thank Goodness I Have My Words

As I was wasting my life away on that time suck that is facebook, I came across a meme/photo/thing that describes me pretty well: I’m pretty quick to pass on different curiosities that cross my beloved laptop screen, but this one sort of stopped me in my tracks.  Its succinctness in describing my life can only be described as miraculous.  Now don’t get me wrong, you can’t really shut me up once I get going verbally, but when I get a keyboard in front of me we’re talking about a whole new dimension. My job as a children’s librarian requires…

Mini Musings–Why Can’t I Write for Myself?

Life is good.  I love life. I love spending time with my kiddo and time with my hubby and time, well, just being.  But then other life things start getting in the way and I find myself wanting to jump the next around the world cruise so that I can just find some space to breathe again. As I am sure many other people my age have gone through, I am finding myself wanting to just do the fun and soul-filling things I like instead of putting so much effort into things that just let me be.  My job as a…

Mini Musings–Sharing is Caring

Greetings and Salutations to all of my blogging friends! I just wanted to give you a head’s up that I am going to start sharing some of my favorite blogs from my online friends.  It is something that has needed to happen for a long time, but I was fairly reluctant because I was too busy being over-protective of my own blog.  I had a vision of what I wanted to do and sharing wasn’t part of the equation. Cut to now and that fact that I have had this blog for almost eight months and I finally realized that I have been…

Mini Musings-Do I Not Have Enough to Do?

Hello my friends! I am just barely getting back on track after my holiday and I am knee deep in all kinds of writing activities!  I am currently recalling my vacation to Hawaii over Christmas and I am surprised on how detailed I seem to have remembered things.  I’m actually quite grateful to have the time to look back and reflect because I am beginning to really understand how special that time really was–priceless moments as The Magic Three. I’m not sure if I told everyone that I did get approved to teach about blogging at my library’s annual Tech…