Mini Musings: You Can’t Stop the Beat

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. Someone (we won’t name who) is trying to get her shit together so that she can get back into the writing game. It’s been almost a year and a half since she has had any interest in putting her musings to blog. Life marched on and she somehow managed to take not only the road less taken, but the road that most people never even see. She fell into a life of leisure, sloth, and lethargy and finally (finally) decided to get a little bit of work done—here, there, and everywhere. 

Not that she forgot how to do things, it was just that she wanted to find out what it was like to NOT do things. It’s deeply acknowledged that her lot in life might be coveted by some (and she is completely grateful for the opportunity of it all) but sometimes she just feels sad that she’s not in the thick of things anymore. Going from 100 mph to 2 mph would give anyone whiplash—but it was doubly harmful to her because her ultimate default is to be lazy and apathetic. Her retirement is fun, but ultimately a legitimate reason to not do anything at top tier. And she’s tired of it. 

This is truly just a moment of time that she is taking to prove to herself that she still has the juice. This is the moment for her to fight against the afternoon nap and do something constructive. This is the moment she is using to keep herself from baking anymore cookies because along with becoming lazier than ever, she managed to put back on a significant amount of weight (whomp, whomp). She feels lost.  

Please know that this isn’t a call for help or a plea for sympathy or even attention—it’s more of a chance for her to get through this process to an end. And to remind herself what fun she has when she’s writing, and that she really does have an interesting voice and vision in the world. And it’s a moment that she must complete because her goal was to write 500 words without stopping to do something incredibly more unproductive (like watching all seasons of Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta). At this point she is currently at 391 words and wondering what else she can muse about for just a little longer. 

So, this is just a way for this someone to exercise her brain (and typing fingers) and hopefully ignite the joy she had in writing before the big career change. She has six stories in a folder labeled “Book” and is too scared to send them off for editing. It was a goal for 2022 and here, September 2023, it still hasn’t been completed. But her story isn’t over. Not yet. She’s climbing back out. She’s taking her baby steps and walking to the light. She will get her goals met, even if it should take another five years, because she knows that she just won’t be happy if she doesn’t.  

And, let’s face it, she is just going to gain more weight.  

P.S. 539 words. Whoop! 

©DRB 2023 

Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash

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