A Tale of Irrational Culinary Desire (and Frustrating Summer Road Construction) 

It wasn’t supposed to be a troublesome drive home after spending an afternoon bingeing Bridgerton (Again? Yes, again!) with my mom, but I somehow managed to make it exciting and pathetic all at once. The plan had been to eat pizza or “bad for you” equivalent during the show, but I ended up just eating some leftover Mexican food that I had saved from an extremely needed confab with some of my besties that exact morning. Not because I didn’t have it in me to eat just for the sake of eating, but because I just couldn’t bring myself to…

Is This a Mess? Yes, but it is My Mess.

I tried not to watch Bridgerton again. I really did. But it has such a chokehold on me that I can’t even get through my day without thinking of one of those fictional characters living in that fictional world, going on with their fictional lives, having the best fictional sex and -fictional drama, etc., etc., etc… Just when I feel that I am, as a fully non-fictional entity, capable of functioning in a non-fictional world, I grab the remote control and re-immerse myself to a world that would probably be my very last choice if I ever had the pleasure…