Just For Fun–Versatile Blogging Award!I

Thank you to Lacie @ See You Starside for nominating me for the Versatile Blogging award.  I have been so busy lately that it has taken me quite a while to sit and write these things down–which is a shame, because I usually LOVE talking about myself!  I am always excited to get nominated for various awards and I hope that you find a little interest in what I shall now reveal about the person that is me… First, the rules (which I have no problem with you altering in whatever way makes you comfortable): First things first, here are the Rules: If…

Just For Fun–I Made a Blogging Award

Greetings and Salutations to you all! I have been having too much fun with this blogging business with all the different ways my brain is functioning trying to figure out how to be “successful” and getting to know some of my fellow bloggers. Every once in a while I see someone write about being nominated for this award or that award and I find those posts to be very fun and informative.  I find myself hoping to get nominated because I love talking about myself so much.  It feels strange to say that, but would I even be blogging if…

Just For Fun- Sunshine Blogger Award

Thanks to Catherine from Atypical 60 for nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!  I really appreciate being nominated. When I am done asking these questions that were posed to me, I will ask some questions of other bloggers! Then they can decide whether or not to keep the love moving forward. Have fun! What’s your Favorite movie? Why? Well, I actually rotate my top 3 movies many times during the year.  Depends on what kind of mood I’m in when someone asks me!  I would love to say that I go for the artsy-fartsy movies that make me look…

Just For Fun- A Smorgasbord of Yours Truly

Happy Monday everybody!  It’s a new day, a new week and a new chance to do all kinds of awesome things!  I am very tired from an extremely busy weekend, so I am sorry that my responses to these award nominations are so late.  I managed to finish the Warrior Dash on Saturday, but my arms are essentially jelly, so my answers will be short and sweet (at least for me).  I have also condensed all of the award questions into one blog so there was a lot of cutting and pasting going on.  Please forgive any mistakes.  As I have…

Just For Fun- Sunshine Blogger Award

When it rains it pours!  Just after creating my own blogging award, I was nominated for a couple of different awards by some of my blogging friends.  I always love answering questions and I appreciate that the people that nominate me think they would like to hear more about me.  Thank you to @Coolbeans4 for nominating me for this award.  This photo is definitely going on my front page. What to do for the award: 1) Thank the person who nominated you. 2) Answer the questions from the person who has nominated you. 3) Nominate some other bloggers for this award….