The Day I Almost Died

You have to understand that I am a middle of the road kind of person when it comes to almost anything in my life.  I think and decide, and then re-think and re-decide, and then kind of come up with an opinion and then I definitely make a decision.  And then I re-think it again.  I’m hardly ever sure that I am absolutely correct in a situation and more often than not that theory has been proven true.  When I was a kid I used to love Choose Your Own Adventure stories and I would read them ad nauseam.  Only…

Stuck in a Taco Bell Drive-Thru

Hey everyone,  I’m trying to get back on track with writing now that I am back from gallivanting around southern Colorado and decided to jump back in with a re-post.  I’ll have something new soon. Thanks for hanging in! They got me. Arggggh!  I wasn’t paying attention to anything but the fact that my stomach was on fire and I had to eat, RIGHT NOW, and I saw that there were only two cars in the order lane.  Split second decision later and I was contemplating a quesadilla or a burrito.  Now, I know I’m not really supposed to be…

I Want Your Attention but Stop Looking at Me!

Hello to you all!  This is a piece that has been written a couple of different ways and has been very difficult to finish.  I tried to explain my head space about this in a previous post and it was really difficult to pick up and continue with how I had originally started. I hope it doesn’t come off too rambling! I want to give a big thank you to everyone who voted on the survey I created about a week ago, voting on what my next post should be. I appreciate you taking the time to participate! You.  Yeah…

Mini Musings- They Call Me Ms. René

Hello to all of my blogging friends out there.  I just wanted to take a minute to let you know about something cool I might be a part of very, very soon. Some of you know that I am a kick-ass Children’s Librarian (not literally of course, but instead more in the “I’m so awesome I can hardly stand it” variety-ha!) and I spend hours upon hours each week trying to keep the young brains of the library masses fresh and eager for new knowledge.  Teaching stuff like how to paint with shaving cream, how to create an artistic masterpiece using stamp…

Literary Lion- It’s My Time

 I am re-posting this in honor of a friend that passed away 24 years ago today. I miss her much. I wasn’t supposed to be there.  As I looked through glass into the cluttered, yet sterile, room it was a fact that was amplified a million-fold.  It was a place for big dreamers and people that didn’t know the meaning of the word no.  A place of unknown possibilities and limitless power.  I was afraid of it all and yet there was no way I could stay away.  What a marvelous, terrifying, unbelievable creation of imagination and it was only…

Just For Fun–I Made a Blogging Award

Greetings and Salutations to you all! I have been having too much fun with this blogging business with all the different ways my brain is functioning trying to figure out how to be “successful” and getting to know some of my fellow bloggers. Every once in a while I see someone write about being nominated for this award or that award and I find those posts to be very fun and informative.  I find myself hoping to get nominated because I love talking about myself so much.  It feels strange to say that, but would I even be blogging if…

Just For Fun- How Can I Get Any Writing Done When Mindy Kaling is Back On the Air?

Hello my lovely friends! I think I deserve a medal today.  I got up, took a shower, got the dog out for his walk, took the boy to school and then sat down to actually write something for the first time since I got back from my mini-vacation to southern Colorado.  It has been a super struggle to jump back in and join the world with all of my writing friends.  I can’t wait to finish up a couple of new pieces I’m working on and get them out into the world.  But as one problem is solved, another is…

A Penny Saved is Just a Penny but a Lot of Pennies is a Dollar

I have this penny that won’t go away.  I know that I should pick the damn thing up and put it in my son’s bank but for some reason I just leave it sitting there.  I mean, it’s to the point that I will be washing down my kitchen counters and I’ll just clean around it.  It would literally take me ten seconds to walk down the hall and place it in the bank, but I just don’t want to do it.  It made me stop and think about why that is. The easy thing would be to say that…

A Good Day or Not? The Jury’s Still Out on This One

The day started off great.  I had a kid that was eager to get out of bed and go to school and I had a new, firm resolve to follow the new eating plan I had put together the night before.  The sun was shining and I felt okay enough about myself to put on another short sleeved shirt to wear to work instead of resorting to a button up with long sleeves.  The sun was shining and the mountains looked spectacular and I was just ready to take on the world.  If I could have lifted my ass into…

Mini Musings- Getting Attention

Hello to all my lovely online friends, Today has been a rather strange day for me when it comes to writing on my blog.  Last night I was gung-ho about my new piece (voted on by various readers) “I Want Your Attention but Stop Looking at Me!”  I had a hard time getting started and I basically ended up banishing myself to a world with no sleep until I could get something down on paper.  Lo and behold I got my groove on and I was enjoying the writing process again.  After a few hundred words  I decided that I…