Just For Fun- Sunshine Blogger Award

Thanks to Catherine from Atypical 60 for nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!  I really appreciate being nominated. When I am done asking these questions that were posed to me, I will ask some questions of other bloggers! Then they can decide whether or not to keep the love moving forward. Have fun! What’s your Favorite movie? Why? Well, I actually rotate my top 3 movies many times during the year.  Depends on what kind of mood I’m in when someone asks me!  I would love to say that I go for the artsy-fartsy movies that make me look…

Just For Fun- A Smorgasbord of Yours Truly

Happy Monday everybody!  It’s a new day, a new week and a new chance to do all kinds of awesome things!  I am very tired from an extremely busy weekend, so I am sorry that my responses to these award nominations are so late.  I managed to finish the Warrior Dash on Saturday, but my arms are essentially jelly, so my answers will be short and sweet (at least for me).  I have also condensed all of the award questions into one blog so there was a lot of cutting and pasting going on.  Please forgive any mistakes.  As I have…

Just For Fun- Sunshine Blogger Award

When it rains it pours!  Just after creating my own blogging award, I was nominated for a couple of different awards by some of my blogging friends.  I always love answering questions and I appreciate that the people that nominate me think they would like to hear more about me.  Thank you to @Coolbeans4 for nominating me for this award.  This photo is definitely going on my front page. What to do for the award: 1) Thank the person who nominated you. 2) Answer the questions from the person who has nominated you. 3) Nominate some other bloggers for this award….