Part Ten: Disney Killed My Love

Catch up with parts one-nine of my Disney Adventures here. Prepared to live out an afternoon of Disney doom and gloom (yet still secretly holding out hope that we might get some sweet fastpasses out of the inconvenience) another transportation employee jumped on the bus to save the day. Still not sure on what the problem was, but two seconds of pumping the gas and turning the key and he had us back on the road and ready to go. I kissed my thoughts of an extra Soarin’ pass goodbye. As we wove our way through the mousetrap (ha) that…

Part Nine: Apparently Not Everyone Appreciates a Pink Castle

Catch up with parts one-eight of my fabulous Disney vacation here. Somehow our group found its way to a (not so hidden) door just near the Peter Pan ride. I don’t remember exactly where it was because Disney does such a good job of distraction. I can’t very well concentrate on a secret door when there a million people bobbing and weaving in front of me and the promise of the utilidor promise land dancing through my brain. I do, however, remember several employees scurrying to get out of our way as we collectively pushed our way through and in…

Part Eight: You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Hangry

Catch up with parts one-seven of my fabulous Disney vacation here. You know, it’s never an easy matter of getting from Point A to Point B—at least not for me. There’s always something to be seen, something to be done, something else, and then something else after that and I never can just seem to make that straight line. And my trip from Splash Mountain to the Tomorrowland Terrace was absolutely no different than any other example I could give you from my life. I needed to sit down and eat and everything in the world was working to prevent…

Part Seven: Is That a Poncho in Your Pocket?

Catch up with parts one-six of my Disney Adventures here. As it turns out what was in store, for me anyway, was another need to go to the restroom. Not that it’s a subject that I want to spend too much time on, but frequent potty breaks are not something that I’m about. At this particular point we were beginning to curve over to Pirates of the Caribbean and I was very aware of the hidden bathroom just to the side of the gift shop. Not knowing when the next opportunity would present itself, I casually walked over to the…

Watch Your Step and Bee Careful–A Painful Life Lesson

Ah, the bees.  Just to start off, let me state that there were lots of bees.  So many bees that I was put in agonizing position of feeling gut-wrenching, terrorizing fear for the first time in my life.  But I had someone watching over me and my younger sister (who was just as frantically frightened as I was) who basically, in the span of two hours, cemented himself as my forever protector and “The Man Who Could Live through Anything!”  I am speaking of my dad, the person without whom this entire story could never be written because he was…

Disney World and the Cupcake Line of Doom

It’s always interesting when I start getting revved up to go on a vacation. There are the last minutes of getting everything I need gathered (as if where I’m going couldn’t possibly have sunscreen or deodorant, should I forget them) and the long nights I spend thinking through my plans step by step by step. While there is a certain amount of excitement and anticipation, there is an equal amount of worry that gets me so churned up physically that I either have to resort to dark rooms and quiet breathing or an extra-large container of Tums. Either way, when…

A Jumbled Mass of Emotions

My friend. I see you and what you are going through and I want to say that I am so terribly sorry. It’s only been a few days and I feel that you must be getting tired of hearing that. I don’t want to frustrate you or cause you any pain but I need to say a few things in order to get on with my own existence after something like this. Before I get too far though, I just want to let you know that I don’t know what is going to come down from my brain and into…

Vacations Can Be a Little Painful

Catch up with the story! Part one: Vacations Give the Loveliest Headaches, Part  two: Some Vacations Don’t Need an Airport, Part three: Am I Actually on Vacation Yet?, Part four: Getting Lei’d While on Vacation, Part five: The Vacation I Still Haven’t Seen   The sun was barely coming up when I finally got to see The Big Island. I was treated to low clouds over the mountains and large waves hitting the sea walls and I was grateful for where I was.  I probably should have spent more than a few seconds enjoying the view, but being a little afraid that we would…

Thank You

  I just want to take a second to say thank you to each and every Veteran that has ever been. Your service is greatly appreciated. Today I would also like to specifically honor my dad who served three tours in Vietnam as a United States Marine. I have been privileged  to hear some of his stories but they are many more still locked away. He has done much for his country and his family and I love him very much for it. This is also my opportunity to say thank you to all of the family members of Veterans who…

All My Bags are Packed, I’m Ready to Go

Photo from I want to say thank you to @travelmagnolia via @wangandthecity for the wonderful post that led me to these memories. Stores, restaurants, and photographs. Music, books and paintings.  Am I talking about a museum? Or a library? Or a mall? No, I’m talking about one of my favorite places to visit–Denver International Airport (DIA). For me, going to the airport is like an extra special adventure, and it doesn’t matter to me if I’m going somewhere or if I’m just stopping in for a few minutes to pick someone up.  I don’t mind paying for the parking, or circling the…